Let me tell all of you the hard truths about the security situation in Israel. Parents and applicants have asked us again and again about the safety on Taglit-Birthright Israel. I’m here to clear everything up. Let me reassure you – The situation is calm, positive and normal in Israel and there is absolutely no security concern for any Birthright Israel trip. I do not say this lightly. Neither Taglit-Birthright Israel, nor Mayanot Israel, would ever take any participant into any situation where their safety would be compromised. Safety was, is and always will be our primary operating principle. That is our guarantee! We’ve been running trips for 15 years without ever cancelling, under that principle. You will be safe. Here are 5 reasons why:
Every trip is Monitored by the Israeli Government
Every educational trip – not only Birthright Israel – is monitored by the Department of Education’s “Situation Monitoring Room”. Every single day, in coordination with the IDF, Israeli police, and Israel’s security agencies, our itineraries are reviewed for their safety.
All groups are accompanied by a GPS tracking system which is monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so that authorities are aware of each group’s location at all times. Although unlikely, a group’s itinerary will be changed immediately, if needed, to reflect any heightened risk or security concerns.
Every group is accompanied by a licensed medic and guard
Every Birthright Israel group is accompanied by a licensed medic and armed security guard who has served in the IDF. Not once in the history of the program have any of these armed guards ever had to use any type of force.
Although trained and ready, in 15 years, thousands of these guards on Birthright Israel busses from around the world have simply had a good time and made friends with the participants.
We design our itineraries for maximum safety
Mayanot’s Birthright Israel trips would never travel any where near any area deemed unsafe. No matter the situation in Israel, our travel routes are designed and constantly reviewed to ensure the safety of our participants.
Our tours do not travel to or through Gaza, or East Jerusalem and our participants are forbidden from using public transportation. Our approved and licensed tour bus drivers are instructed to never leave buses unlocked or unattended.
Safety is what Israel does best

People in Israel understand safety. Everyone is either in the army or has been in the past. Who knows, that little old man walking down the street may have some of the most advanced hand to hand combat training in the world. Walking among a group of Israelis may just be one of the safest things you ever do. And certainly the most entertaining.
We have an impeccable safety record

For 15 years, Birthright Israel has not cancelled a single trip due to security concerns. Our groups have been safe in Israel despite various conflicts, including the 2nd Intifada and the 2nd Lebanon war. Since the creation of the State of Israel there has never been a perfect time to visit Israel and Taglit-Birthright Israel realizes that.
We are ALWAYS vigilant. We will adjust itineraries if need be. At day’s end, you WILL always be safe. We make sure that every time is the perfect time.